Thursday 19 May 2022

From Buckman to Turkson

From Buckman to Turkson: From Buckman to Turkson: Alternative stories on Ghana's architectural profession. Architectural history of Ghana. Written by Iain Jackson Lead image graphics by Korantemaa Larbi with images of Peter Turkson and his thesis drawings courtesy of University of Liverpool and Daily Graphic. [1]from-buckman-to-turksonFrom Buckman to Turkson1.Lead image with photographs: Peter Turkson, b.1921. Photograph from 1978 on Turkson’s retirement, Daily Graphic, April 10 1978, issue 8544; Peter Turkson’s proposed upper floor plan for a new Gold Coast Parliament, 1954. Unpublished B.Arch Thesis, University of Liverpool; Peter Turkson’s proposed front elevation for a new Gold Coast Parliament, 1954. Unpublished B.Arch Thesis, University of Liverpool. | 2.The National Archives, Kew, BW 90/244, ProposedWest African Institute of Industries, Arts and Social Science, and proposedInstitute of Architecture, Planning and Design: report by H Morris (November1947), page 6 | 3.See PublicRecords and Archives Department, Accra, “Gold Coast Architectural Society”, CSO25/3/31 |